Putting a smile on the face of the needy African child  

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Evaluation of summer team Ghana 2006


FILL AND EMAIL : razak112004@yahoo.co.uk






Postal ZIP-code and city:


Telephone number:

E-mail address (IMPORTANT):


female  male

Date of Birth:

Occupation / kind of study / finished education:

Marital status:

married  unmarried


no  yes  

Passport number (date of expire):


















Work Project

Taking into account your educational background and working experiences, please indicate

what kind of disciplines you would prefer?

First choice:

Care taking
Development work
Educating / informing (in Dutch: voorlichting)
Children Home/ Orphanage
Children 1-4 years
Children 4-7 years
Research works
Disabled (physical)

Experiences (IMPORTANT!)

Please write a brief comprehensive composition concerning your incentive to do voluntary work

the type of person you are, your relevant experiences and the expectations about your proposed

stay in Tamale. Use subjects like: your home situation, your travel experience, your job or study, expectations concerning the country, its people, the environment, the work you are to do, the

culture, working with different people, etc, etc.). The composition ought to be in English and

should contain a minimum of 500 words!


Stay in Ghana

Aimed month to start work (always in the beginning of the month):

Aimed day of arrival (preferably the last Wednesday of a month):

How long do you intend to stay in Tamale, before you start the volunteer work?:


Days /months

Do you have problems with staying in a host-family with a different religion?:

no  yes  

Do you have any strict diets or handicaps that we need to know of?:

no  yes  



How did you find us?

search engine on the internet
surfing on the internet
forum on the internet
seen one of our posters
through one of our (former) volunteers
on a active holidays meeting

Would you mind if we give your e-mail address to other volunteers leaving to Ghana to get in contact, share information and ask questions?:


no  yes


Our conditions

·  Until affirmation of decisive permission to the program by HELVO through e-mail, the applicant can not lay claim on participation to the program

· After affirmation of decisive permission to the program by HELVO through e-mail, the volunteer is obligated to pay the accessory program fee of US  $750 at the day of arrival.

·  The applicant needs to be at least 19 years of age at the moment of departure to Ghana.


·  Each new program starts at the last in the first week of each month. Arrival at this date assures that a member of HELVO will pick you up from the airport in Accra . Other arrival dates are negotiable, but you will have to arrange your own transfer from the airport and might miss the introduction (see below)

·  The introduction always starts the day after the fixed arrival date;

·  The Application Form needs to be sent to be field and attached to a mail for submission through HELVO email, at least two to three weeks (1-2) before the aimed date of arrival;

·  The program fee needs to be in the possession of the volunteer and payment after volunteers day arrival.


· The volunteer’s flight details have to be sent to HELVO through e-mail, at least 2 weeks before arrival. The volunteer should inform HELVO about changes of schedule as soon as possible;

· In case of changes in costs in Ghana (due to inflation for example), HELVO has the right to change the program fee. If a volunteer leaves after declaration of this change in price, he/she is obligated to obey the change and pay a possible increase. HELVO is required to always inform the volunteers about the reason(s) of change completely;

·  In case of superior forces, when HELVO can no longer guarantee the volunteer’s interests, HELVO will always do its best to make sure the journey can carry through. Possibly in an adjusted form. This will always be done in full communication with the volunteer;

·  Total cancellation of the program by HELVO, will result in full restitution of the paid program fees   


Email this application form to: razak112004@yahoo.co.uk

 I agree to the conditions above.



Thanks a lot in advance,